§ 4-5. Electrical code.
Electrical wiring and apparatus defined. The words or term "electrical wiring and apparatus" as used in this section shall be construed to include all materials, devices, machinery, appliances, appurtenances or conductors used in connection with the production of electric lights, heat or power or the transmission of electrical signals, except where specifically limited to electrical signals, except where specifically limited to one or more of them, and then only as specifically limited.
Electrical inspector.
The office of electrical inspector in and for the city is hereby created. Said office shall be assumed by the chief building official until otherwise designated. The electrical inspector shall be well versed in the rules and requirements of the National Electrical Code.
The electrical inspector shall keep full and complete records of all electrical work done, permits issued, or other official work performed as required by this section, and shall periodically make full and detailed reports thereof to the city manager as required or deemed necessary. Said records shall also be so arranged as to afford prompt information concerning the condition and general arrangement of any electrical equipment at the time of the electrical inspector's last inspection.
Construction board of adjustments and appeals to examine and pass upon electrical registration. It shall be the duty of the construction board of adjustments and appeals to hear cases of violations by a licensed electrician and take any action that they deem necessary up to and including revoking the electrical registration of the licensed person and/or company involved in the hearing.
All electrical work to be done under licensed electrician. All electrical work done within the city limits will require either a licensed journeyman electrician or master electrician, recognized by the State of Texas, on the job site while the installation of any wiring is in progress.
Electrician's license required; renewal fees. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or electrical corporation in the business of installing, repairing or maintaining electrical wiring, who is not registered by the city as a master electrician to secure permits as provided herein. A master electrician may designate individual(s) to perform the administrative requirements to obtain electrical permit(s) provided they are identified and duly authorized in writing on a form provided by the city. Each authorization shall require a fee as prescribed in appendix 1 of this Code of Ordinances. Every person, before engaging in the business of installing electrical wires in houses or other buildings in the city, or before performing any such work or making any connection with any electrical wires in the city, shall present to the municipal development department a current and valid state master electrical license, journeyman electrical license or any other specific electrical license required by the State of Texas for the purpose of registration with the City of Terrell. The city will offer reciprocity with a person in possession of a valid out of state electrical license provided that the state in which the applicant is currently holding such license complies with the reciprocation requirements of the state, is recognized and approved by the state, and is approved for registration by the municipal development department. A person who has a current State of Texas Master Electrical license or City of Terrell Master or Journeyman Electrical License shall pay an initial registration fee and an annual renewal registration fee as prescribed in appendix 1 of this Code of Ordinances. A person registered with the city may obtain permits to perform electrical work in the city. Each renewal thereof shall expire one year from the date of registration. Every person obtaining an electrical permit will be required to show a valid form of identification having picture identification.
No electrician's registration shall be issued except upon the filing of a bond with good and sufficient sureties in the sum of $5,000.00 or certificate of liability insurance with minimum coverage of $300,000 per occurrence conditioned upon full compliance with the provisions of this section regulating electric wiring and apparatus and the faithful performance of all contracts entered into for the installation of electric wiring and apparatus inside any building for use in connection with electric light, heat, or power.
Any failure on the part of the holder of an electrician's registration to comply with the provisions of this section regulating electrical wiring and apparatus, or to faithfully carry out the conditions of a contract for installing electric wiring and apparatus, shall be deemed sufficient cause for revoking said registration, together with all rights and privileges thereunder and the forfeiture of the bond filed pursuant to the requirements of subsection (g)(1) hereof.
The amount realized upon the forfeiture of any bond over and above the expense involved in its forfeiture shall be expended in making the necessary changes in the electric wiring and apparatus found to be contrary to the provisions of this section or deficient in quality or any other particulars as specified in the contract or contracts entered into and covered by the bond, and the unused balance, in any, shall be paid into the city treasury.
The building official is hereby authorized to refuse to issue an electrician's registration to any person if such person or any person with whom he is associated fails to meet the provisions prescribed under this section or to revoke such registration if the requirements of this section are not maintained.
Electrical work permits required. A permit and inspection is required on electrical work when the work being done to said electrical system is on the customer side of the meter. A permit is also required when work is being done on the supply side of the meter (i.e., service lines being connected and/or reconnected; service mast being repaired and/or replace).
Application for electrical work permit. Before issuance of a permit for the installation of any electrical wiring or apparatus, or the alteration or change in any wiring or apparatus, as provided in subsection (h), an application shall be filed with the electrical inspector describing such installation or alteration or change to be made, including the apparatus and material used. No deviation shall be made in the details for wiring or apparatus as shown on application without permission from the electrical inspector in writing.
Electrical work permit fees. The fees for electrical work permits and re-inspection shall be as prescribed in appendix 1 of this Code of Ordinances.
Inspection and approval of electrical work. Upon completion of the installation of electrical wires and apparatus in any building for use in connection with electric light, heat, or power, it shall be the duty of the person doing the same to notify the electrical inspector, or competent assistant deputized by him, who shall inspect the same, and if approved by him shall issue a certificate of satisfactory inspection which shall contain the date of inspection and an outline of the results of such examination, but no certificate shall be issued unless all apparatus, wires, etc., connected therewith are in strict conformity with the rules and regulations set forth in this section, nor shall current be turned on any wiring apparatus until a certificate of satisfactory inspection is issued.
Concealment of wiring or apparatus prohibited until inspected and approved. No person shall conceal or cause to be concealed any electric wiring or apparatus mentioned in this section except with the express permission of the electrical inspector, and he is hereby authorized and directed to remove any flooring, lathing, or plaster, sheet metal or other material which may conceal any electric wiring or apparatus contrary to the provisions of this section. On completion of the inspection of any electric wiring or apparatus designed to be concealed and found to be in full compliance with the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the electrical inspector to post a notice to that effect at the main cutout center, and said notice shall be considered as an express permission to conceal said electric wiring and apparatus, but no concealment shall take place until such notice has been posted by the electrical inspector.
National Electrical Code adopted.
Adopted. The 2014 edition, and all subsequent revisions, standards, or supplements thereto, of the National Electrical Code of the National Fire Protection Association, is hereby adopted by reference and made part of this section to the same extent as if set out herein in full as the general standard for electrical equipment and installations in the city, except such provision thereof as may be in conflict with this chapter or other ordinances of the city. All electrical equipment installed or used in the city and all installations of electrical equipment shall be reasonably safe to persons and property in conformity with the standards provided in the National Electrical Code, 2008 edition, and with the provision of this chapter and applicable state statutes and any rules and regulations issued by authority thereof. A copy of the National Electrical Code referred to herein is on file in the office of the building official for reference and inspection.
Suitability of wiring and installation generally. Every person owning or operating a line of electric wires over streets, alleys, or buildings shall use only wires that are suitable and strong, shall suitably and safely attach them to strong and sufficient supports and insulate them at all points of attachment, shall remove all wires abandoned for use, shall suitably insulate every wire where it enters a building, and, if such wire is other than a wire designed to carry an electric light or power current, shall attach to it, at suitable and convenient points in the circuit calculated to prevent danger from fire and near the place of entering the building, an appliance calculated to prevent at all times a current of electricity of such intensity or volume as to be capable of injuring electrical instruments or causing fore from entering the building by means of such wire beyond the point out which such appliance is attached.
When conduit required.
All wiring for electric light or power hereafter installed in any building or structure, except residential, within the City of Terrell shall be installed in conduit.
All such wires hereafter installed in unfinished basements in all buildings, including dwelling units, shall be placed in conduit.
All wiring in commercial buildings or structures shall be placed in a protective conduit such as rigid conduit, electrical metallic tubing, metal clad cable or other approved conduit as specified and approved in the 2014 National Electrical Code with the following exceptions of wood frame structures of two stories or less in height, which will not be used as places of assembly with a capacity over 50 people or more, may be wired with non-metallic sheathed cable in accordance with the provisions of the 2014 National Electric Code. For the purposes of this section "commercial building or structure" shall be defined as all buildings not classified residential exceeding two stories in height or any building or structure of any type of character whatsoever when situated within the fire zone limits of the City of Terrell and "wood frame structure" shall be defined as Type IV or Type V construction as described in the 2015 International Building Code as adopted by the city.
Erection of electric signs. All electric signs shall be erected and installed according to the provisions therein described in section 4-22 of this Code.
Signal wires and high potential light or power wires to be separated. Wherever possible and expedient signal wires shall not be carried on the same pole with or in dangerous proximity to high potential electric light or power wires. Where joint occupancy pole line composed of these two classes of systems is necessary, or where the routine traversed by these systems cross, the high potential electric light or power wires shall be placed and maintained not less than four feet above every signal wire. Where it is impossible to provide for such separation it shall be the duty of the electrical inspector to arrange and enforce an equitable and safe alternative plan.
Location of pipe, sheet metal or other material near electric wire. Any person desiring to place any pipe, sheet metal, or other material within six inches of any electric wire or wires installed for use in connection with electric light, heat, or power shall, before proceeding with the execution of the work, obtain from the electrical inspector a permit therefor, and, on completion of such work, such person shall notify the electrical inspector who shall inspect the same and cause all wires to be placed in a safe and secure condition, provided, however, that nothing in this subsection shall be construed to refer to wires installed in approved iron conduits or armored cable.
Authority to turn off current during fire or under unsafe conditions. The chief of the fire department or the electrical inspector, or a competent person delegated by them or either of them, shall have the power to at once cause the removal of all wires, or the turning off of all electric current where the circuits interfere with the work of the fire department during the process of a fire. The electrical inspector is hereby authorized and empowered to cause the turning off of electric current from all conductors or apparatus which are deemed by him to be in an unsafe condition, or which have not been installed in conformity with the provisions of this section, and from which the electrical inspector has caused the electric current to be turned off.
Wires not to interfere with fire department or fire escapes. No electric wire or wires shall be installed, operated or maintained over any street, alley, sidewalk, or building which shall be liable to seriously interfere with the work of the fire department in the use of ladders or other apparatus, or which shall obstruct or render hazardous the use of fire escapes, and, on complaint of the fire chief, such obstruction interfering or hazardous wires shall be removed or properly rearranged.
Decisions on questions not covered by these provisions. The electrical inspector shall decide all questions not provided for in these provisions pertaining to the installation, operation or maintenance of electric wiring and apparatus.
These provisions do not affect liability for damages. These provisions shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person installing, operating or controlling any electric wiring or apparatus for damages to anyone injured thereby; nor shall the city be held as assuming any liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or certificate or permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this section.
Appeals. Any person who feels aggrieved by a decision of the electrical inspector and/or his interpretation of the electrical code as provided herein may appeal such decision to the construction board of adjustments and appeals. Such appeal shall be submitted in writing within 15 days of such decision in accordance with procedures set forth in section 4-21 herein.
(Code 1968, §§ 10-1, 10-4, 10-7—10-9, 10-14 et seq., 10-17, 10-19 et seq., 10-20, 10-22, 10-24 et seq., 10-30; Ord. No. 1384, 12-18-84; Ord. No. 1430, 1-7-86; Ord. No. 1444, 4-1-86; Ord. No. 1478, 11-18-86; Ord. No. 1522, 1-5-88; Ord. No. 1529, 4-5-88; Ord. No. 1592, 10-17-89; Ord. No. 1679, 4-21-92; Ord. No. 1708, 1-19-93; Ord. No. 1709, 2-16-93; Ord. No. 1758, 9-4-94; Ord. No. 2242, § I, 10-5-04; Ord. No. 2533, Arts. I, III, 5-15-12; Ord. No. 2629, Arts. I, II, 3-3-15 ; Ord. No. 2698, Arts. I, II, 8-15-17 )