§ 4-9. Swimming pool code.
Adopted. The 1985 Edition, including all appendixes and all subsequent revisions, standards or supplements thereto, of the Standard Swimming Pool Code published by the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. is hereby adopted to provide minimum standards for the design, construction or installation, repair or alterations of swimming pools, public or private, and equipment related thereto so as to protect the public health, safety and welfare. One copy of said code is on file for reference in the office of the building official and the same is adopted and incorporated fully as if set out at length herein.
Contractor to register with city.
Registration required annually.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation in the business of installing, altering or repairing swimming pools within the city who is not registered by the city as a swimming pool contractor to secure permits provided herein. Each swimming pool contractor shall register with the city at the beginning of each year or prior to doing any installations, alterations or repair of swimming pools within the city in any current year. The swimming pool contractor shall furnish the name or names of persons who are authorized to sign permit applications.
Each applicant for registration as a swimming pool contractor shall have established place of business or shop for which a certificate of occupancy has been secured from the City of Terrell if such business is located in the City of Terrell. Such certificate of occupancy shall be displayed in his place of business.
Method of registration.
To register with the City of Terrell as a swimming pool contractor, application shall be made in writing or forms furnished for this purpose and filed with the building official. The application shall show the contractor's name, local address and telephone number and such other information as may reasonably be required to properly identify the swimming pool contractor.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to represent himself or themselves as a registered swimming pool contractor within the city, unless said person, firm or corporation is, in fact, registered with the city.
Evidence of registration to be carried and exhibited when requested. Each registered swimming pool contractor shall carry evidence of proper registration on his person at all times while doing work and shall produce and exhibit same when requested by any inspector or officer of the city.
Bond required. Before any contractor shall engage in the business of installing, altering or repairing any swimming pool in the city, he shall deposit with the city a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $1,000.00, conditioned that he will faithfully observe all the laws pertaining to swimming pool construction work and that the city shall be indemnified and saved harmless from all claims arising from accidents and damage of any character whatsoever caused by the negligence of such person engaged in the business, or by any other unfaithful or inadequate work done either by himself or his agents or employees.
(Ord. No. 1398, 2-5-[85]; Ord. No. 1443, 4-1-86)