§ 12-7. Utility billing procedure.
Due date for utility bills.
Water, sewer, municipal assessment fees, garbage collection fuel surcharges and service charges shall appear on one statement or bill, and shall be considered as one bill, although separately itemized. Failure to pay one or more of these service charges shall constitute failure of paying the bill. Payment must be received on or before the fifteenth day of each month. A ten-percent penalty will be added after the fifteenth day of each month. If payment is not received by the city, notice shall be given that the city may terminate the service immediately if payment is still delinquent. The city shall require full payment of the account plus an administrative charge of $50.00 before the service will be restored. An additional charge of $100.00 will be added if anyone other than an authorized water department employee reinstates the service. All administrative charges and/or additional charges shall be paid in full before the service will be restored.
No free service shall be rendered by the waterworks system or the sanitary sewer system to any customer. To the extent the city and its various departments use the services afforded by the waterworks and the sanitary sewer system, they shall pay the same rates charged other consumers.
Delinquent notice. The delinquent notice shall be sent to all utility customers with a delinquent account on the first working day following the due date. The delinquent notice shall inform the delinquent utility customer that if the delinquent bill is not paid prior to the customer's next billing date, service will be terminated immediately.
Returned checks for insufficient funds. A check returned to the city for any reason stated thereon shall be assessed a fee of $45.00. A customer shall pay the amount due on the original billing, plus the insufficient funds fee, within three business days of receipt of notice from the city of a returned check. If the fee is not paid within three business days, service may be disconnected. Notice of disconnection may be served by U.S. mail or delinquent door-hanger tag, at the city's discretion. In the event of three returned checks from the same customer in a two-year period, the account will move to a cash-only status for a period of six months. If a customer presents a total of four returned checks in the same two-year period, the account will convert to cash only for the life of the account.
Multiple users on single meter to be billed cooperatively. Where water or sewerage service is supplied to more than one family, occupant or business through a single service, the city will not undertake to apportion the charges for such use among the owners, occupants or businesses, but the bill for such use will be charged against the customer in whose name the account is recorded, except that if the customer in whose name the account stands fails, refuses or is unable to pay such bill, the remaining owner, occupant or business shall be responsible for the unpaid water or sewerage bills. Such unpaid bills may be cause for refusing service to the same address until the amount past due is paid.
Policy for determining service charges for multiple users on single meters.
In all cases of multiple residential, business or mixed occupancy where more than one dwelling unit or business or operation is supplied water through a single meter, not less than a minimum service charge for sewerage shall be billed for each dwelling unit or business operation supplied through such meter, regardless whether occupied or unoccupied, plus any additional usage in excess of the total minimum charge which shall be based upon the applicable rates as established. The following formula shall be used in computing such monthly service charges for multiusers:
(number of dwelling units or businesses) X (minimum bill) + (total water consumption) X (volume - surcharge) = Total Service Charge
The chief building official shall be responsible for determining whether or not additional units exist on any premises whereby multiple occupancies are served through one meter. In his determination, the chief building official shall utilize the fire-resistance tenant separation requirements for the subject property and the certificate of occupancy as issued as the basis and justification of his decision.
Policy for determining service classification. Nonresidential customers, other than the state hospital, shall be classified as "light commercial", "heavy commercial/industrial" or "pretreatment". Light commercial customers are those who use an average of 7,500 gallons of water per month, or less, and are not in the food processing business. Pretreatment class customers are those firms which are required to comply with a local industrial wastewater discharge permit. The remaining customers in this group shall be classified as heavy commercial/industrial.
Responsibility of consumer for water loss. A consumer shall be held responsible for loss of water due to breakage in pipe or plumbing on the discharge side of the meter, and if this water is not paid for according to the established rates, when it becomes due, the service shall be discontinued by the city utility department until charges are paid.
Temporary utility services.
Temporary water service for repair, cleaning and remodeling purposes. Temporary water service for the purpose of repairing, cleaning or remodeling a residential or commercial structure is hereby established for a minimum fee of $35.00 for:
Include water usage from zero up to 2,000 gallons;
Maximum length of service shall not exceed 20 days;
Water usage exceeding 2,000 gallons shall be charged at the current volumetric rates established in the city's water rate ordinance.
Temporary water services for inspection purposes. Temporary water service for the purpose of performing inspections of residential or commercial structures for compliance with municipal development and housing inspection guidelines is hereby established. The fee for the initial inspection is no charge. Temporary services established for inspection purposes on the same property after 30 days shall be a charge of $35.00.
Average winter water usage. Each year during the month of April, the city shall compute the monthly average water usage for each residential customer for the month of December, January and February hereinafter called the average winter water usage. This average shall be used to determine the annual residential sewer rate for each residential customer served by the city. To qualify for the average winter water usage you must have resided at your residence prior to September 30 of the year requested. Residential sewer rates for all new services or for services started after September 30 shall be charged for 5,300 gallons, until an average winter water usage can be established.
(Ord. No. 1440, 4-1-86; Ord. No. 2300, Art. I, 8-15-06; Ord. No. 2323, Art. I, 1-16-07; Ord. No. 2335, Art. I, 7-17-07; Ord. No. 2415, Art. I, 7-21-09; Ord. No. 2454, Art. I, 4-6-10; Ord. No. 2559, Art. I, 1-22-13; Ord. No. 2606, art. I, 8-19-14 )