§ 3. Athletic fields—Fees and charges.
The following schedule of fees for use of athletic fields at the municipal parks shall be and such is hereby adopted and established as follows:
Athletic fields—User fees for all city leagues.
$5.00 per participant per season (includes regular season league play, end of season league playoffs, special league tournaments)
Clinics/classes ..... 2.00
Athletic fields—User fees for non-city leagues.
All tournament fees:
Per field per day with lights ..... 100.00
Per field per day without lights ..... 75.00
Practice fees for team practice or independent game (per practice and/or game for non-league team):
No field preparation, no lights ..... 10.00
Lighting per hour ..... 20.00
(Ord. No. 1653, 7-11-91; Ord. No. 2544, Art. I, 8-21-12)