§ 2.12. Procedure.
Meetings - The council shall meet regularly at least once every month at such times and place as the council may prescribe. Special meetings may be held on the call of the Mayor or two (2) or more council members and unless declared an emergency, no less than seventy-two (72) hour notice shall be provided the public and each member. In case of a declared emergency the notice provisions of State Law shall be followed. All meetings shall be public; however, the council may recess for the purpose of discussing in a closed or executive session matters not expressly prohibited by state law to be deliberated on in executive or closed sessions.
Notice of Meetings - Written notice of the date, place, and subject of each meeting held by the city council shall be given before the meeting to the local news media and by having such notice posted on a bulletin board to be located at a place convenient to the public in the city hall for at least seventy-two (72) hours preceding the day of the meeting. However, in cases of emergency or urgent public necessity, which shall be expressed in the notice, the notice shall be posted three (3) hours before the meeting is convened or called to order. The notice provisions of this charter shall follow State Statutes current at the time or the city charter, whichever is most restrictive.
Rules and Journal - The council shall determine its own rules and order of business and shall provide for keeping a journal of its proceedings. This journal shall be a public record.
Voting and Quorum - Any three (3) members of the city council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. The mayor shall be considered a regular member of the city council for purposes of constituting a quorum and be entitled to vote as provided in Section 2.03. No action of the council except as otherwise provided in the preceding sentence and in Section 2.05 shall be valid or binding unless adopted by the affirmative vote of three (3) or more members of the city council, which shall be taken by "Yea" or "Nay" vote, and entered into the official record.